Wednesday 29 May 2019

Mr Stinky

As we now have an abundance of nettles it's time to bring out Mr Stinky. Nettles & water go in the top, allow it to ferment for a few weeks then dilute 1:10 with water for plant food, or use neat as a herbicide

Tuesday 28 May 2019

A Hoarder Vindicated

I needed a new tripod spreader for my telescope and it turned out that an old 10.5" NAB reel was just the ticket after adding only three extra holes. The orange wingnuts came from an old power tool...

Thursday 23 May 2019

Wednesday 22 May 2019

A Gift From The Ants

As there's the site of an old Q Pit just on the other side of my border with the woods I'm always finding bits of clay pipe, in fact I consider it a good omen in the garden. This one appeared the other day when I was planting some beans. Maybe it was a gift from the ants, who live in an old chimney pot next to the beanpoles and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of aphids...

Sunday 19 May 2019